Michael Oliver

19 days ago

Video: Gold & Silver Go Vertical When This Indicator Breaks Trend

Michael Oliver of Momentum Structural Analysis says this is a when not an if and starts with the problems in the real (US) economy.


301 days ago

Video: When Will the Miners Outperform Gold? They will!

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started using charts when the self proclaimed pioneer of charting, Zak Mir, was only seven. 


625 days ago

Video: Pricking the largest financial bubble in history

Analyst Michael Oliver pulls no punches.


902 days ago

Video: Gold is About to Enter it’s Next Leg-Up

Analyst Michael Oliver believes the movement in gold last week was just the start of another bull run. Silver is in a similar pattern to gold but needs to reach $25.37 on a weekly close to trigger a move higher, he claims.


996 days ago

Video: the blowoff top for equities is here

Analyst Michael Oliver focuses on bubbles in equity markets and says that the S&P indicates a top while momentum is waning. He argues that bear markets typically begin with a gradual arm-wrestling decline and often no crashes, which he expects will occur. Michaels proprietary volatility indicators are now showing a similar pattern that we saw in 2008.


1101 days ago

Video: Gold’s Next Move Up Will be a Quantum Leap

Michael Oliver warns that the charts tell you that equity markets are topping and points out that the large leading stocks are waning in these indexes. This could be a sign of trouble and evidence of a gradual decline into a bear market. He discusses how bonds are usually inverse to equities, and they are watching for a counter-trend rally. If significant funds get nervous, they will move to treasury bonds and gold.


1207 days ago

Video: silver to reach $200 an oz

I recorded a long video with Lucian earlier and silver was on his agenda. He will like what analyst Michael Oliver has to say about past markets and how in the 1976 period, investors moved into commodities and stocks went sideways.  He believes that today, we are entering a similar period as most commodities have had long basing periods and are now turning upwards. This move seems to be caused by the expansion of the money supply and monetary policy.


1424 days ago

Video: All Structural Momentum Pointing to the Sky for Gold, Silver, and Especially Junior Miners

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started his career back in the mid-70s when gold was re-legalized. Instead of focusing on price, he looks at long-term trends, which is important because price being based in fiat can be misleading. He says, “Today, we are in the hyper-space of money printing.” Using price can be compared to building a house with a yard-stick that changes in length. Their focus is on the longer-term and not the day to day, they look for structure rather than short moves in momentum.
